The Essence of E-commerce Website Business

In simple terms, e-commerce is a purchase and sale transaction carried out via the Internet. Today, this concept characterizes a separate sphere of the economy in which advertising of goods or services. Conclusion and maintenance of such an agreement, transfer and acceptance of payments are carry out. The e-commerce market is represent by organizations operating on the Internet. For the first time, such a system was tested in the United States of America in the 60s of the twentieth century. And then the positive experience was adopted by Great Britain.

The criterion for determining whether an enterprise belongs to e-commerce and corresponds to this concept is quite simple. The main factor here is the quantitative indicator of the use of Internet resources to organize all business processes. A company selling goods or providing services on the Internet, including document flow, advertising and non-cash payments, belongs to e-commerce. In fact, you can click here to get more information of ecommerce development in Dubai.


E-commerce System

The largest share in the e-commerce system is the B2B sector, the growth trend of which is unchange. Despite the fact that initially the development of this sphere was aimed at satisfying the needs of the end customer. In addition, electronic procurement, which appeared on the market relatively recently, is currently actively developing. The main participants in tenders are large businesses, although recently small entrepreneurs have also been exploring the new sector.

There are several key factors applicable to any type of e-commerce that allow you to streamline the processes of selling goods and providing services via the Internet:

  • The platform on which the product is located. Depending on the specifics of the company’s activities and the tasks facing it, the platforms can be different: landing page, online store, electronic trading platform, social network account, corporate website (for the B2B sector).
  • Established traffic, in other words, attracting visitors who are potential customers. For this, SEO and SMM tools, contextual and target advertising, etc. Like ecommerce development company Dubai do.
  • Services that ensure the purchase of goods, their storage in warehouses and shipment.
  • Systems for processing orders received from the site (most often CRM).
  • A delivery service that is also authorize to process returns from customers. True, there are a number of difficulties here, since goods purchase through e-commerce cannot always be returne or exchange at a real retail outlet.

The benefits for business are as follows:

  • A physical point of sale operates only in one location. To expand the network in order to increase sales, and, consequently, profits. It is necessary to open additional stores in other cities and regions. An ecommerce development company in Dubai does not require such labor-intensive actions, and even residents of remote corners of the globe can become buyers.
  • Due to its operation on the Internet, the store remains open all the time, unlike real ones, where the working hours are usually limited to a certain period of time of day. This is not only beneficial for business, but also convenient for customers.
  • Automation of inventory and asset management of the enterprise, thanks to the use of online services and various electronic tools. This allows you to save impressive amounts. Among other things, it is now much easier and more convenient to manage shares, exercising control over them and selling them both in your own store and on electronic trading platforms (for example, eBay).

Another benefits for e-commerce business:

  • Minimizing costs. Opening and maintaining an e-commerce store allows you to significantly reduce costs. In particular, on renting premises, paying salaries to employees, utility costs, etc. All this logically leads to lower prices for goods and services. Which in turn leads to the formation of stable consumer demand, and makes the company very competitive. Besides, ecommerce development Dubai can handle this.
  • A huge advantage of online stores is that they collect and process data on visitors, identifying the audience groups most suitable for a particular type of goods. Such targeted marketing is not available to business owners who have real points of sale.
  • Reducing operating costs and the cost of resources allows you to strengthen your position in the niche occupied in the market. Such factors as audience reach and focus on a specific consumer sector also contribute to the emergence of an e-commerce company as a leader. Business opportunities can be actively develop using a website.
  • No territorial binding. A business manager does not need to be at his workplace all day long. For example, with a mobile device (laptop, smartphone, tablet) and functioning Internet, it is convenient to conduct business from any region.